Monday, April 27, 2009

A Cut Below

A Cut Below

Let’s call male circumcision what it really is—genital mutilation. It is a perverse evil that is done in the name of a lot of things—religion, tribal loyalty, hygiene (that’s a big HAH!), enlightenment—but all the reasons are subordinate to one: Sexual perversion.

That some old man in ancient days whacked off his foreskin in some kind of demented sexual masochism in the deserts of Israel—and then had to explain his mutated pecker to his wife, so he chose to tell her that God had told him to do this—is nothing more than laughable.

It’s like the guy who went into the emergency room with a flashlight up his ass who said that he was putting on his underwear and he fell on it, and voila, flashlight up the ass.

But Abraham turned his nasty act into a religion, and we wonder why people hate Jews and Muslims. They are incomplete men who take out their sexual frustration on the rest of us, who throw every other tenet of their religion overboard but keep this one. And isn’t it just lovely that they take perfectly healthy boys and, when they can’t defend themselves, cut off the most important part of them. Real manly stuff, this circumcision.

Anyone with half a brain recognizes a truism of life—circumcised penises are markedly shorter than intact penises. The cut dick is permanently and irrevocably shortened—and also made aesthetically unpleasing and unnatural.

Far from improving the penis, circumcision takes a marvel of flexibility and masculine beauty and turns it into a “thing” of no loveliness and unnatural, stunted movement. I tell you, it’s a crime! And any adult who forces this on a boy, and especially without anesthetic, out to be stoned.

Instead, what do we have. Some perverse 20th Century horror of routinely mutilating our boys. No wonder the 20th Century will go down as the nighmare it really was.

Fortunately, America is becoming more enlightened in this area, but there are still some parents who think that circumcising their sons is “just the thing that everyone does.” I mean, isn’t that what were SUPPOSED to do? No, my friends, it is just what NOT to do. It is a sin. And I don’t use the word “sin” very often.

Judaism and Islam are predicated upon the sin of the corrupt deviant Abraham, and it is why these religions deserve the contempt of every right thinking person in the universe. Circumcision also explains why these two religions have been at the center of all the evil in this world.

Every reason speaks against it and none for it, yet it still persists among otherwise intelligent people. But any parent who circumcises his baby son deserves my everlasting contempt and anger.

Whether I will ever speak that anger, the wounding of any innocent will always be in my mind, and I will mutter contempt for the evil that you have perpetrated. Circumcision is an unforgivable sin. It is a form of murder. Murder of innocence and joy—and there is nothing to be gained.

Using the same logic that people use for male circumcision, I believe we should begin practicing breast removal in infancy of all our baby daughters. Without anaesthetic, of course. Think of all the benefits!

Oh, right. That’s funny. I can’t think of any benefits to that practice either.

Circumcision is a repugnant practice that must be stopped completely. It is ungodly and speaks of brainless contempt for God’s gifts to man.

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