Thursday, June 25, 2009

When Fourth Place Isn't Bad Enough

Well, this past week Chastity Bono changed her sex. From what to what, Solomon does not know, but apparently she is going to go under the knife to be a man. The results, I am sorry to tell her, will not fool anyone. Better to be a manly lesbian with all her parts than to be a manly lesbian with parts unrecognizable.

But it is not Chastity, who seems to be (or at least before her decision to mutilate her body) a nice enough person, about whom I want to speak. No, I wish to speak of another identity change that really shows how disgusting self-mutilation really is.

It is the News Media that has gone through a sex change—from manly, aggressive pursuers of truth to unmanly, vindictive pursuers of an agenda. And that agenda is being pursued with a vicious zealousness that can only be understood if one equates them to Islamic terrorists. And like Islamic terrorists, the media is pursuing an agenda that they perceive as religious and holy.

What has happened to this once virile profession? There have always been women in journalism, but the profession wasn’t politically correct and whiney and dripping with estrogen “Feelings.” Oh, those “feelings,” those easily hurt and sensitive and intuitive and contemptible “feelings.” When and why did this replace “Logic,” “Intelligence,” “Patriotism,” “Common Sense,” and “Toughness”?

All the male parts of journalism began to be snipped off with Watergate. Woodward and Bernstein, those hankie-clutching vermin, found that by relentlessly pursuing Nixon they could become darlings of the Inside-the-Beltway types who can slice and dice with their eyebrows and nasally-intoned words.

They wanted to buy good opinion for themselves, and they could and DID this by assassinating Richard Nixon—a man whom Solomon did not like but who was treated incredibly badly by the scum like W&B. Now, Solomon knows words and uses them judiciously, maliciously, and correctly. Nixon’s was the first assassination of an American president by journalists. And as every murderer will tell you, “Murder is the ultimate high.”

And so began every copycat journalist to reach the rush that W&B got—assassinate, and don’t worry about facts, fairness, or results. Intimidate and make them kiss your ass or you will destroy, by omission or by commission. Words used properly and without morality can destroy people, careers, reputations, political parties. We, in the post-Watergate era, the journalists, are gods.

Ah, but it wasn’t enough to simply go frothing with blood in their mouths after their enemies—aka anyone with balls and a spine. No, it was not enough to destroy good people and moral conduct. They needed something more for power.

To achieve full power and control, they needed to prove that they were able to shove down the throats of America, that vile cesspool of freedom and achievement, the most repulsive slimebag who ever slid out of a birth canal—Barack Obama. Shove black in America’s face (they’re all racists, aren’t they?; shove stupid in America’s face (they really can’t really call a black intellectually inferior, can they?); shove a venom-spewing black bitch as their First Lady and call the fashion-challenged mean one a fashion icon; shove down America’s throat a guy who can’t speak or think as the greatest orator and thinker in their history; shove down America’s throat a humorless, ruthless, cold-blooded, compassionless coward as the wit and wisdom and pater famalias of the nation; shove down America’s throat the most vile Marxist/Fascist since Stalin/Hitler and let him sit where Lincoln and Reagan sat. Humiliate America. Debase her. Shove her face in filth. Then, oh then, journalists will have proven that they can do anything!

They created their God in their own image! And they will worship him. And the American people will have no other god before them. And journalism and journalists will do nothing but support him and allow nothing be said or seen that will show the out-and-out Evil of this Antichrist.

The Fourth Estate has become the Fifth Column!

Universities and colleges pulled in aspiring journalists, and winnowed out those who thought you had to be a good objective writer. No, to be in journalism you had to be a good zealot for the cause. W&B have ordained it thus.

That which is vile, glorify. That which is ugly, deify. That which is unholy, worship. And if you don’t, you won’t get a good job.

And who better to sell their souls than young mindless girls who are always willing to trade their souls for flattery and security.

Of course, journalism is doomed, but what the hell. Papers are dying. News operations are scoffed at and held in contempt by anyone with half a brain. But journalism today is betting that not enough people will really wake up until they have created the scorch earth, irretrievable mess that they are creating.

So what if their creation is a shit heap? At least, they will have shown everyone what REAL power is. We can bring down ANYthing. W&B brought down a president. We are going to bring down America and Freedom! Put that in your pipe and smoke it, you old Potomac queens.

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