Friday, January 30, 2009

Andrew Lloyd Weber's Obamita!

It has become impossible to ignore in these two weeks since January 20, 2009, that America got its own Eva Peron. The only differences are he’s not blond, he’s not as intelligent, and he’s more deluded about his abilities than Evita ever was.

It is only a matter of time before the White House is painted pink and we find this poseur standing on the balcony babbling through microphones about his descamisados. And the money kept rolling in from all directions.

Yes, Madame President reminds me eerily of an androgynous Eva-wannabe. Those repulsive pictures of him in a swimming suit revealed a fleshy not-quite-man emerging Boticelli-like from his seashell. That anyone could say that man is in good shape or is sexy or is manly would feel equally at home in North Korea flattering that ugly little retard known as Dear Leader.

America’s old-fashioned news outlets and their minions have “Gone the Goebbles,” as they say. This, of course, was inevitable when women began taking over the duties that belong to men. Also, college educated people really are the stupidest people on the planet, but none are stupider than journalism majors.

When the education establishment began dictating what constituted real journalistic standards, the end was in sight. It reminds one of the skit by Monty Python where John Cleese teaches sex to a class of boys. He actually has sex, but is so pedantic that the boys don’t pay a whit of attention. This is what education did to journalism.

Education robs people of common sense and natural instincts. Now, of course, tempering certain natural instincts is not such a bad thing, such as training people to be patient, but in the case of journalism the natural instinct to be on the side of truth and right and justice just got thrown under the bus. The angle became all important.

Well, this would have worked all right if the news consumers had been likewise changed, but they weren’t. We remain the same unwashed oafs we’ve always been, so we have drifted away from these people who purvey the news to us. The separation is coming upon us inexorably—and with greater accumulating speed than anyone ever imagined.

Do colleges and universities still take the money of the gullible young who want to “major in journalism”? I’m sure they do, but aren’t these schools duty-bound to tell these feckless girls (fully ninety percent of them are of that inclination) that they will never, repeat NEVER find a job that pays enough to make the rent on a ghetto flat? I’m sure they don’t. These colleges and universities should be hauled into court for swindling.

If these young journalists had any sense they would realize that prostitution in the old sense is more lucrative and less demeaning and requires less borrowed money to get established. News organizations today are not battle-hardened, cynical, hard-drinking men but rather sharp-jawed females from places like Brown and Cornell and Amherst bitter that they weren’t able to get any guys to fall for them.

That is why they are so enamored of the sexless bore we have elected for President, and why they are so willing to overlook the obvious. Watch tweener girls swooning over the latest heartthrob. This is a boy about as sexless and threatening as Michael Jackson (though not as scary facewise).

Reporterettes now find themselves writing stories for others just like themselves, though they haven’t clued in to the fact that the public is about ninety percent different from themselves. Of course we’re going to be repulsed by this drivel! And we’re going to tell them to go peddle their wares elsewhere.

I predict that talk radio is going to explode in the next two years as the cognitive dissidence escalates between the public and the news media. As they more stridently tell us that Evita-Obama is wise and articulate and intelligent and forceful and manly and womanly etc., real men and women are going to forsake them in droves.

It’s happening now. I predict that most of today’s newspapers will be out of business within two years. And then what will Obama Peron do to keep the public in line with the media? The media is going down. And only other media types will be wiping away tears with their crocodile hankies.

Schadenfreude will never feel so satisfying as when the NY Times finally prints its last edition. Millions of puppies will no longer be able to pee and poop on Paul Krugman’s and Maureen Dowd’s drivel.

And as they fall, so will the Fraud from Chicago fall as unceremoniously as the statue of Saddam Hussein. Like Evita, he’ll dispatch jack-booted thugs in grisly reprises of the 1930s and 1940s. Count on it. All fascists behave exactly the same way. Eva was one, Juan was one, and Obama is one.

The only difference is that he isn’t going to be able to offer up such a good show. He won’t wear his Adrians and Diors as well. And God help him and us if he ever quits smoking!

Oh, Dear Obamito(a), keep on puffing and preening. The time for such things is much more limited than it used to be.

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