Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Die, My Darlings!

There is a trajectory that is invariably followed in republics—once women are allowed to vote, the republic begins its decline.

A republic can tolerate no more than one hundred years of female suff(e)rage until it has been totally emasculated. Better that a culture die a violent death than to ignominiously die by the slow suffocation in estrogen-drenched politics.

America was doomed to go the way of all great societies when men succumbed to sirens harping for equality. Women don’t understand history, much as they do not understand art, architecture, engineering, poetry, or much of anything, really. But they desperately love to insert themselves into the masculine worlds and try, by imitative mastery, at which they, like parrots, are quite good, to prove that they really are men’s equals.

But they are not. Oh, morally, before the law, in God’s eyes—of course. But in abilities, women have a unique ability merely to destroy, not to build.

The old tale in the Garden of Eden of the Fall, if not factually true, contains an element of truth—if you want to destroy a man, you only have to go through a woman. And the way you get to her is to promise that she will be the man’s equal or superior. In our society, think "college degree."

Well, that is what giving them the right to vote (and even worse, hold office!) has done. The republic is on the verge of collapse, and will collapse in the not too distant future. Every woman is a tyrant at heart, and she will propel man’s greatest achievements into ruin so that she can live a tyrant in a tyranny.

If you do not think that women are the source of all evil and that, rather, they are our softer, gentler, more reasonable nature, look at the world of lesbianism. This is a world where women live without the domination of men. It is a humorless, vile, crude, uncreative netherworld that raises revulsion in men and real women. The only similarity between the worlds of gay men and of lesbians is that neither has sex with women!

If you want to prove my point, go to a restaurant in Palm Spring, CA, during the notoriously lesbo Dinah Shore golf tournament. Waiters and waitresses and bartenders will all be trying to suppress sneers of disgust at the human debris that is lesbianism, women without men.

Women have always been envious of men, and Eve was susceptible to the flattery of the serpent. She had no other motive than to prove she was Adam’s superior, and look at the chaos that she brought about. Whether true or not, this is a story that has played itself out time and time again.

Alas, it is playing itself out in America during my lifetime, and dammit, I resent the cunts for this! I want all of you to notice how men are portrayed in popular entertainments and commercials. Men are stupid, women know better, men are oafs, men are talentless boobs.

If men are creating these things, and I suppose there are some who are so hard up that they will betray their own (probably to please women), it shows that the end truly is near.

Solomon wants to take away women’s right to vote, to allow women to hold jobs that only women are truly suited for, and certainly to get them out of the education system. We are in decline because of the bitches!

The only societies in the world that are in the ascendancy are those that require women to be subordinate to men. Anymore, I am merely polite to women. I don’t respect them, because they don’t deserve respect.

I wouldn’t allow my dogs or cats to dictate what goes on in my life. I won’t allow women to do that either. Please do not think that I am saying that pets and women are the same. Of course not. Pets actually provide us with real pleasure and enrichment.

The only way to save what our forefathers created is to undo these dreadful, Biblical mistakes. Well, Adam couldn’t change it. Neither can we.

We’re doomed.

Thanks, Ladies! (Spit, phoosh, gag!)

1 comment:

Bruce J. Martin said...

Well, misogyny does have its good points, to be said.

Get thee to a nunnery!