Thursday, March 5, 2009

Monkey See, Monkey Read

He speaketh well? Methinks NOT!

I have had it up to HERE with people who should know better saying that Obama is a gifted speaker. Have we lowered our standards so low that we are willing to say such outrageous lies?

Winston Churchill was a gifted speaker. Ronald Reagan was a gifted speaker. Margaret Thatcher was a gifted speaker. But our Othello is not even good, let alone gifted. He’s a stuttering fool who cannot do anything but turn his head left then turn his head right. His cadences are of someone reading from a Tele-prompter situated on poles to, quelle suprise!, the left and the right.

Six syllables to the right, six syllables to the left. Inappropriate voice rises like a poor poetry reading (poetry, that is, that has rhythm and rhyme, not the crap that passes for poetry nowadays).

Our Obama’s an automaton who reads what white guys have written. When you become aware that he never faces the front, possibly you might think at first that he is trying to distract you from his misshapen monkey ears. But that is not what is going on.

He is a trapped creature trying to please his masters who own him—his handlers, his moneymen, and the media—swinging his head endlessly back and forth from one printed plate of glass to the other, inflecting monotonously and inappropriately because—HE DOESN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE HELL HE’S READING!!!

At the press conferences, his “spontaneous” thoughts are being speed-written by his owners behind the scenes. If the system goes down, the press conference will be immediately disrupted by some need for him to be called away, mark my words. This monkey cannot speak on his own.

Why are so many otherwise intelligent people giving this a pass? Well, first of all, after the bumbling extemporanea of the Bush years, everyone is yearning for articulateness. And the Democrats know this, and they are committed to providing everyone with this quality, of course, so that their agenda can get advanced.

And in Obama, they thought they had the genuine article. But reality just had to go and rear its ugly head. Their unassailable, articulate Negro was a halting, inarticulate boob that was painful to witness. So they had to quickly provide the ILLUSION of articulateness, and that is what we’re seeing/hearing now.

Easy, they thought. Hell, FDR got away with being unable to walk without people knowing it for all those years. We only have to have this poor doofus read for eight years. No one will ever catch on that he can’t speak, let alone HAVE, a real thought on his own.

But this charade is already starting to fall apart, even with the collusion of so many rich and powerful people in controlling places. He can’t stand alone! He’s attached to technological strings! The Puppet Obama--like those clever voice prompts that talk to you so often today and which try oh-so-hard to give the illusion of being real people, not disembodied, carefully thought out scripts—ain’t going to convince even his Stepford supporters too much longer.

Nazi sympathizer and radical totalitarian supporter George Soros has probably already realized that his Negro has no pleasing patter to fall back upon when push comes to shove. And the pushing and shoving is just getting started. Soros has got himself an unsympathetic but solipsistic and narcissistic liability on his hands.

When publics turn, they turn quickly—and viciously. And this little man is going to find himself having to be wrapped in a Beltway Cocoon that will eventually be deprived of oxygen.

Oh, yes, I am saying that the Democratic establishment is going to turn ugly and start ripping this scarecrow to pieces, and that horrible hag of a wife of his, too. (Sidebar: Style, indeed! If she has style, it is all the style of a tropical mud village. Those bare arms are manly—probably from having to hold up and defend the guy she’s married to.)

Every day, Obamita appears more and more out of touch and out of tune with reality. You know that the military sneers at him behind his back—they are forbidden to criticize him, otherwise we’ll be holding our breaths for a military coup d’etat.

When one is looking for guidance in one’s own time, he can not do better than look back at the Roman Empire and find its parallels. They, more than any other civilization, went through everything. So it is fitting to seek knowledge from what happened to the Empire when an emperor or other ruler felt himself to be more important than the empire itself. So, would the Secret Service take a bullet for Obama? Yes, the way Caligula’s Praetorian Guard protected that Roman Emperor who also thought of himself as divine.

Do not underestimate the pleasure that most people will feel, albeit perhaps disguised under crocodile tears, with the sudden demise of a man-who-would-be-god. Let’s not forget, there was a deliciousness even in the blood that ran at the base of Pompey’s statue in the Roman Senate.

Bring on the poisoned pears! And even more for the bare-armed lady with the fat ass!

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