Saturday, September 12, 2009

Oz Alert: The Cowardly Liar

AWOL: Our Coward in Chief.

The great Tea Party movement, the largest outpouring of the passion that is at the heart of America that I have EVER seen in my long lifetime, has moved to Washington, D.C.—and where is our—you should excuse the expression— fearless "leader"?

He has scurried like a cockroach off to a hand-picked group of sycophants in Minneapolis. He wants to avoid the heat and the light, like any other dirt-dwelling critter. Has it not become too apparent that we have elected—a coward?

The Bamster is proving time and again that he can’t take the heat of an argument, and he can’t deflect or throw a punch. He’s a strutting, preening “tough guy” who’s hoping, praying that no one challenges him. And if they do, he’ll gather his skirts and run off to safety.

He's the schoolyard bully/coward—talking tough to his supporters, afraid to face his enemies. He's the "courageous" general who shows his bravery by loudly boasting in the plush salons that are comfortably far from the conflict.

Obama is a disgraceful half-man, turning his fighting over to his minions. Like the Wicked Witch of the West, he dispatches his flying monkeys—those foul, beshitting creatures of the left. But the Wicked Witch of the West was more of a man than Obama. She had the courage to face her enemies head on. Poor little Obama hides behind his teleprompters until his enemies (he hopes) have been defeated.

Liar and coward. Barack Hussein Obama. America’s shameful moment of weakness.

You must—and WILL—go. And your flying monkeys too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tough guy?- you hide behind a white-aryan paper, puttz- watch the horizon, beeatccchhhhhhhhhhhh!