Friday, March 27, 2009

Disney Dog Crap

How can you tell when a culture has truly become debased?

Come on. It’s a fair question. Most of us believe this, but we don’t have a specific hook to hang our “Debased” hat on.

Well, Solomon is here to tell you that is when children’s entertainment has been perverted to support an unholy agenda. And that is what has happened in the land of the formerly free. Proof? Beverly Hills Chihuahua, from the poisoned minds at Disney.

I have to tell you, Solomon was actually looking forward to seeing this trifle as a Friday evening divertissement featuring dogs. Solomon, who usually prefers his entertainments to be somewhat challenging to the intellect, can occasionally cotton up to mindless nonsense occasionally.

But he didn’t think that such simple thing as a Disney dog movie would provoke such a visceral spasm of rage in him. For what he saw was not an entertaining dog movie, but proof of how low the cultural thieves have sunk to destroying what was once good.

Now, any Disney animal movie is going to have a degree of anthropomorphism involved—there would be a heckuva lot fewer cartoons if this were not so. So, we are all acculturated to accept this concept.

But within bounds. BHC went WAY over the line and plunked down solidly into Stalinist/Nazi Propaganda Land. It is actually telling kids how evil America and white people and capitalists are, for God’s sake! It is trying to turn our kids against the greatness that is America!

Lest you think Solomon himself has perhaps suffered a mishap to the “Proportional” side of his brain, let me walk you through this most problematic of movies.

Brush aside silly inconsistencies and unrealities as dogs tolerating booties and people being able to take dogs back and forth across the Mexican-American border. Plot exigencies sometimes requires us to swallow such things.

And we know from the get-go that the animals are, since they are going to speak, going to be anthropomorphized. OK. But are we going to totally remove their dogness in the process? That is exactly what happens here. These are NOT!!!! dogs. Though they wear the outward form of too-cute Chihuahuas (Solomon must fondly confess to owning a Chihuahua, but she is one who, because of slipshod breeding, is really a Chalupa, not a full-blooded Chihuahua), these Disney "dogs" do not display one bit of canine thinking or behavior. They think and behave—are you ready?—like human beings! Totally!

So we must analyze them as human beings, and not dogs. This movie is not going to teach you anything about dogs. It’s not going to produce any “How precious” moments, for those moments have been manipulated with CG effects. No, there’s no real dog story here at all. The dogs were the misused vehicles to promote a Leftist agenda.

What we are faced with is a young white American girl who, despite having been raised in a privileged environment, has absolutely no social class or dignity at all. Everything about her is insulting and, more important, demeaning to American white women. She looks down on all people of color or the working class with an insensitivity that even an ancien regime French aristocrat could not have pulled off.

She is the ugliest of Ugly Americans. Her aunt, a mindless mogul of millions, who does not a scintilla of real work, paper or otherwise, creates endless acts of animal cruelty and human cruelty and fauna cruelty, subjecting everything near her to be twisted out of its intended shape and destiny and into something that only a mindless moron at Disney (or a sinister apparatchik at the Overlord Simian’s bunker) could find airy and amusing.

This is not amusing. This is horrifying. This is Dr. Mengele making brown eyes blue with painful ocular injections. This is EVIL!

Oh, but it’s just for kids, for God’s sake! Of course it is.

The two Chihuahuas represent the humans. The female Chloe is white; the male Papi is brown. Gee, and the American girl is white and spoiled and contemptible, and the Mexican “landscaper” is (well, not brown, but could maybe be Hispanic) down-to-earth, hard-working, creative, honest, noble.

No stereotypes here, are there? Well, not exactly stereotypes unless you are a full-blown Stalinist who subscribes to the idea that all Capitalists are manipulating and marauding harridans, that all American whites are Nazi Supremacists, and that all people from other countries are down-trodden and worth all the rest.

Of course, white girl has to come to her senses (Chloe, the dog, when she drops her spangly booty off the train; white girl, when she realizes that Mexican guy might be a good lay—Hey! I didn’t write this script—that’s what it’s all about—white girls have to find third-worlders to fulfill their sexual fantasies). When she does, Mother Theresa would have looked cruel by comparison.

Message: Americans must throw off their addiction to capitalism and racial cruelty and they will be liberated, just as Che Guevara liberated so many (alas, liberated them from the land of living) to lead truly ennobled lives of selflessness.

Cue the twinkling birds of Cinderella.

This movie was written by and produced by people who have an agenda to subvert America and your kids. They promulgate that whites, capitalism, and America are bad, bad, bad, and that third-world poverty is oh-so-blessed and ennobling.

This movie is bad entertainment but even worse in its subversive subtext. Don’t buy into the crap that this is just a Chihuahua representation of Paris Hilton goes third world. There’s nothing satirical about this movie.

It is sinister.

Don’t let your children watch it. Unless with you, and let them hear you loud and clear scream against the Commie Marxists Who Betray Us All!

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