Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ain't Nuttin' 'Rong wit Bein' Racist

And What’s Wrong with Racism?

Everyone in this country is secretly snarling under an enforced cloak of “respectability” that the worst among us has forced to be worn.

It has become Accepted Conventional Wisdom that racism is an atavistic, Neanderthal way of thinking, that education and acculturalization can and have taken away. Expressions of racism are not to be tolerated (Note to Mark Fuhrman—Should’ve manned up, there, boy! It wouldn’t have made an iota of difference to THAT jury!) because they are bad, wicked, unenlightened, and wrong.

Well, sorry to disagree with the Accepted Conventional Wisdom, but racism is actually good, and failure to express it, or, more correctly, failure to be able to express it, is like putting the proverbial potato in the exhaust pipe—when she blows, she’ll blow everything with it, engine and all.

Now, Solomon wants you to think about how our society is structured. We are supposed to be supportive of our families, to the point of triumphing over other families. Same goes with schools, organizations, work places, teams, and countries.

But when it comes to two areas, the ACW (aka, the Stalinist Left), such triumphalism is not only not good but is not to be tolerated, to the point of death (metaphorical or, I suppose, if they had their way, actual).

Those areas are race and religion.

Try expressing publicly the idea that you believe that the Christian religion is superior to those gutter religions of Judaism and Islam and see how you are applauded by fellow Christians. Hah! They will slink back into some dark hole where they believe they won’t be tarred with the same stick that you are going to get tarred with.

But if you think THAT is going to cause apoplectic convulsions, try uttering the belief that your race is superior to others, that other races are, by their very nature, inferior—and you don’t mean politically or morally, just mean that, by comparison, they are children of a lesser god.

Yet, if a black man asserts that he is superior to me in the matter of basketball and dance, not only will I not argue with him—I will whole-heartedly agree. And we will both laugh about it. I am a dreadfully earth-bound white guy.

So why is it so shocking when I assert that intellectually I am superior, able to reason better, able to govern better than he? I am. I have never known a black person to be as intelligent as I. Shouldn’t we both be able to agree that this is true and sit back and laugh about it?

I do not say, in saying this, that I am deserving of special legal treatment or that I have earned a special berth ahead of him in the train to heaven—I merely am asserting a truth of nature.

Asians have a capacity for business, acrobatics (see Cirque de Soleil), and arithmetic repetitiveness that I, nor any of my fellow white travelers, do not have—except in rare circumstances.

And if any of you who are reading this have never seen an American Indian physically move things, then you have no idea of what real strength and determination are.

Each race has its peculiar superiorities, and these superiorities are the envy of the other races. That is why it is incumbent upon each race to push its own superiority as the most desirable of all—whether or not they really believe it. It is a part of what we have all been brought up to believe—We’re Number One. Our Team Is Best! We Are the Champions, My Friend.

We know that we are not the champions, the best, in all fields—dammit! So touting our own race’s superiority is really an admission that ours is not one that is superior--in every realm. We need all the races--in order to be complete and whole and perfect.

Dammit to hell! We need to be racists and we need other races. Quelle conundrum!

Racism is an expression of what is good in ourselves and those like us, but it is also an acceptance of the greatness of all other races and the acceptance of our own deficiencies. Thus, it is an ackowledgement of their superiority--in certain areas.

Let’s stop muzzling this honest expression of pride in being superior to others—just let’s keep in mind that we are only superior is SOME ways, not all.

So let's encourage our kids and everyone else to be racists. It is the ultimate tool to achieve self-esteem (that elusive leprechaun of the Left) and to achieve tolerance (that other elusive fairy of the Left). Give the Left what they so desire--RACISM!!!! An answer to all problems.

Three cheers for Racism!

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