Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fairies of Obamaland

It can’t JUST be me who has noticed that there is…um, how should we say?...a fey little fluttering of wings in the White House of one B. Hussein Obama, could it?

I have detected for some time a heavy whiff of lavender-scented sachet being wafted on the currents that emanate from those who have surrounded the Negro-in-Charge. From such gushy, unmanly supporters such as Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman, we have gotten very unsettling proclamations of homo-eroticism.

Not that there’s anything wrong with homo-eroticism, of course.

Well, nothing wrong with it unless it is helping to destroy the America that has been the beacon of the world for all these years.

I am telling you that there are fairies in the White House, but these aren’t the cute little ones that Shakespeare envisioned in Midsummer Night’s Dream. These are the fairies that infested—and destroyed—the Nazi Third Reich!

Hitler was surrounded by fairies—my God! Who but a fairy could have designed all those butch SS uniforms and all that homo-erotic symbolism attached to the Evil Reich?

Fairies surround themselves in a world of hyper-masculinity, a fantasy-land designed by Tom of Finland (check it out on-line if you don’t know the reference). That way, they can PLAY at being men without actually BEING men. And fairies are nothing if not spectacular in designing the accoutrements of a hyper-masculine world.

I want you to think “Rahm Emanuel.” Here is a poseur of masculinity who bristles with Jewish brutishness but who sashays with Chicago fagishness. He likes to come across as tough as an elephant’s ass, but he actually has the simpering vulnerability of a prairie buttercup.

And then there are the Hillary fairies, Begala and Carville. All bluster, but tinged with dusting powder from Big Mama’s sweaty cracks. They lick when they are told. And now they have to ingest the effluvia from the man-child monkey—and his harridan spouse, she of the lesbian arms and ass.

Have you ever seen a fairy more powdered and preening than the current press secretary? His bulky beam would strain the structure of the gossamer wings of fairies of yore, yet still he would sail upon the sultry main, singing the hosannas to the Obamas.

Yes, the discomfiture you feel about the whole situation you see in America arises from the creepiness of fairyland. Fairies, you see, can and do carry guns and subpoenas.

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